The Full Story
Dr. Julie Gatza is a chiropractic physician with more than 30 years of clinical practice in which she has assisted thousands of patients to resolve a wide variety of physical ailments. Using her understanding of the nervous system, nutrition, alternative therapies combined with a common-sense approach to educate, help her patients regain their health and maintain it.
Dr. Julie believes, “A healthy digestive system is primary focus to achieving a person’s health goals, each individual has different needs but there are basic principles and when followed, can achieve amazing results in a short amount of time. Bodies are not that complicated, they just need correct solutions.”
Dr. Julie routinely speaks on different radio programs around the country and her friendly easy to understand advice is appreciated by the listeners and the hosts alike.

To educate and help as many people as possible regain their health, without the use of drugs or surgery.

My vision is to make others aware of effective solutions and quality products that I have used successfully with my patients for over 30 years. A little education and motivation go a long way!